• MLS Now has many educational and help options under the Help tab in Matrix?
  • We also offer many educational webinars that we post on the News widget. Some of these are available for CEU credit. Due to COVID, our live classes are temporarily suspended but we will resume live classes in the future.

MLS Now Announcement
Carl DeMusz, CEO

MLS Now, Ohio's largest multiple listing system (formerly Yes MLS), launches a new name reflective of its members' tenacity for action in the present moment. The updated name 'MLS Now' marks a shift in course for the 13,300-member strong organization; while no operational changes will come,   MLS Now continues to innovate for streamlined expansion.

In 2018, Yes-MLS emerged from the consolidation of two of Ohio's largest MLSs at the time to form the state's largest MLS organization, self-defined as 'forward-thinking.' This positioning put the firm on a fast track to 2021. Today, with almost half the REALTORS® in the state as members and over a third of Ohio's units valued at $9 billion sold in 2019, the organization has thought forward for long enough – the time is 'Now'.

"The name Yes-MLS was what was needed at the time of its inception to bring REALTORS together," said John Kurlich, COO of MLS Now. "As of January 1, 2021, watch for news about MLS Now as we hit the ground running and rolling out updates over the next few years."

Aside from the organization's new name, MLS Now elected to keep its current logo, which was designed and developed by MLS Now CEO Carl DeMusz in collaboration with Aaron Powell, Head of Marketing and IT. The signature roofline shape in the logo's cloud were first created by DeMusz and inspired by "the MLS which these days includes many homes listed and stored in the cloud," he says. "My job was to develop the concept into a visually digestible trademark design then make it accessible for publishing and branding," said Aaron Powell.

"MLS Now provides its subscribers products and services that serve the needs of the current moment, highly responsive staff, and an experienced team of leadership, making it the logical choice for Associations looking to partner for their MLS needs," said Marlin Palich, 2020 Board Chairman.

What’s the Difference? MLS Rules vs Realtor Code of Ethics vs License Law
John Kurlich, COO

Do not be confused. Know the difference. MLS rules are built upon the foundation of the Realtor Code of Ethics, NAR MLS Policy & Procedures, and state license law. However, enforcement of the MLS rules, enforcement of the Code of Ethics, and enforcement of license law are all handled differently. It is important for members to know the difference and where to go with questions or complaints related to all three.

The MLS, as you might think, handles the enforcement of the MLS rules and regulations. The local Realtor Boards or Associations handle matters relating to potential violations of the Code of Ethics through their Professional Standards, Grievance, and Arbitration committees and processes. The Ohio Division of Real Estate (ODR) and the Ohio Real Estate Commission deals with potential violations of Ohio law.

So, for instance, the MLS rules require that all properties, of the required property types, listed with a Participant (the Broker) and located within the jurisdiction of the MLS, must be entered into the MLS within 48 hours. There are some other qualifying requirements along with some exceptions. Neither the Code of Ethics nor the Ohio license law has such a requirement. This is an MLS rule and is enforced by the MLS rather than the local board or the ODR.

On the other hand, Ohio law requires permission from a seller to place a sign in the yard or to otherwise market their property. While advisable, Ohio law does not require this permission to be in writing. The MLS, however, requires that there be a written listing agreement for a listing to be entered into the MLS. Thus, if there is no written listing agreement, there is no listing to be entered into the MLS. Whether or not the broker/agent whose sign is in the yard, has the permission of the seller to market their property, is a matter enforced by the ODR, not the MLS, or the local board. If there is a listing agreement, MLS rules require that it be entered into the MLS within 48 hours (excluding weekends and legal holidays) or within 1 business day of marketing the property. The sign in the yard would be considered marketing by the MLS and would mean the listing must be in the MLS within 1 business day of the sign going in the yard. This would be enforced by the MLS.

Now let us consider a listed property being available for showing. The MLS requires that all listings in the Active or Under Contract Continue to Show status be available for showing. That means just what it says. The listing must be available for showing. A listing may be available any day and time, or it may only be available on certain days and times. A listing may only be available under certain conditions required by the seller, in writing. But whatever that availability may be, it must be the same for all members of the MLS. If a listing is entered into the MLS on Monday, and the listing states that the property will not be available for showing until Thursday, that means no one can show it until Thursday. If the listing agent or another agent at the listing brokerage, or anyone shows the property to a potential buyer before Thursday, it could be a violation of the Realtor Code of Ethics Standard of Practice 3-8. Realtors shall not misrepresent the availability of access to show or inspect a listed property. This would be enforced by the Professional Standards Committee of the local board.

These are only a few examples of how MLS rules, State Laws, and the Realtor Code of Ethics each have and enforce their own requirements. Becoming familiar with, and staying current on the MLS rules, State Laws, and the Realtor Code of Ethics will help you to comply with them. It will also help guide you to the right place should you ever need to report any potential violations.

Notice about Zillow

We have received many inquiries from members about changes happening at Zillow and about them becoming a Broker and a Participant in the MLS. Zillow provided the following link to address those questions. https://www.zillowgroup.com/streamliningzillow-industry/ 

In early 2021 Zillow will stop processing rental listings from the current MLS feeds and, unless a broker has a direct agreement with Zillow (see Zillow Feed Connect link below), the rentals will need to be manually entered (see Zillow Rental Manager below) or sent through one of the many property management software’s available on the market.

In order for rental property listings to continue being displayed across Zillow Rentals Network (Zillow, Trulia and HotPads), brokers/agents will need to migrate to the Zillow Feed Connect™ or Zillow Rental Manager.

6 Metrics You Can Track in the ShowingTime Mobile App

The ShowingTime mobile app allows agents to request and confirm showings, manage showing feedback and much more. 

Aside from being as simple as “Point, Tap, Show,” the app also allows agents to keep tabs on all aspects of the home buying/selling process no matter where they are. 

Here are six metrics you can track in the mobile app: 

1. Number of Upcoming Appointments 

Listing agents can see all appointments on their listings, while buyer’s agents can view the status of all showings they’ve requested, color coded by appointment status. 

Here’s How: On the main menu, select On My Listings, to see appointments on your listings or I Have Requested to see appointments you are scheduled to show a buyer

2. Number of Upcoming Tours

Showing agents using ShowingCart® can view their buyer’s tour, complete with the number of stops and each showing’s confirmation status.

Here’s How: Once you have selected the ShowingCart button from the main menu, you’ll be presented with your upcoming tours. Tap on the tour to see it ordered by stops, with each listing color coded to indicate its current status. 

3. New Feedback Requests

You can view feedback requests from other agents on listings you have shown, grouped by completion status, through the notification center or Feedback section.

Here’s How: Select On My Listings on the main menu to see the inbound requests and Listings I’ve Shown to enter feedback for other appointments

4. Submitted Feedback

Feedback can easily be accessed after it’s been submitted via the notification center. You can also view feedback even if you missed the notification.

Here’s How: Select Feedback on the main menu. Then, choose to see the inbound feedback on your listing or outbound requests for other listings.

5. View Number of Showings

Many different metrics are included in the Listing Activity Report, including the number of showings in the past seven days, 30 days and for the life of the listing.

Here’s How: From the main menu, click on the Listing Activity Report menu option and choose the listing. The first page you see is the summary page, which is a snapshot of all activity on the listing, including the number of showings.

6. View Buyer Activity

After showing a number of listings, the differences between them can become blurred. Attaching the buyers’ name to showings can help you notice the hidden attributes the listings shared with your clients. This information could also be used to narrow down or clarify features buyers really want.

Here’s How: Scroll down to the Contacts section and choose Buyers or Sellers*. These searchable lists contain all your clients and their history. 

*The ability to add sellers is available in select markets

The ShowingTime mobile app is free for ShowingTime customers. You can download it from the Apple Store or Google Play.

SAFETY CORNER - Tips from Real Safe Agent

When dealing with an upset or irate person face to face, we want to make sure that we are positioning ourselves in such a way that we are not coming off as aggressive or confrontational ourselves. Instead of standing in a “squared off” position, which is confrontational and/or aggressive, use the ¾ stance. Click the image below for a quick video.


Isaac Abdallah Jacqueline Donley Julie Kyser Karl Reph
Sarah Adams Ricky Donovan Tiffany LaBillois Mark Ressler
Olusegun Agaja Margaret Duffy-Friedman Jessica Laird Andrea Rhoades
Domenic Albanese Michelle Dull Cleopatra Lake Javeon Richards
Trenton Alderman Diana Dumitru Vanessa Lee Amanda Rivera
Mohammed Ali Kenneth Dumke Katelyn Lehman Seth Roan
Joshua Allen Brian Duncan Tabitha Leith Darryl Roberts
Lily Allison Rachel Duncan Gabriela Leone Omari Robinson
Juan Alvarez Andre Dykes Joseph Leonette Danielle Rodeheaver
Alan Ammon Tyler Edmonds Justin Leonti Andrew Roholt
Charles Andrie Amanda Edwards Mark Leopold David Roman
Liza Antranik Harb Joshua Edwards Jason Lewandowski Marissa Rosen
Alan Applebee Erica Eglit James Lichtenberg Benedetta Roskoph
Jasmine Artis Mia Elgergawi Tian Lin Alisa Roth
Paul Ashmore Shannon Ellison Kenneth Lindsey Jordan Roth
Shannon Atkinson Melissa Elrod Tanya Linetsky Dorit Sade
Chun Yee Au Alison Ely Trisha Lockard Sanjiv Saini
Gabriel Ayzenberg London Ervin Nicolas Looman William Salamon
Savannah Babcock Allyson Eslich Craig Lopresto Elizabeth Sanders
Rebecca Bailey Natalie Evans Susan Love Matilde Santillo
Doug Baldwin Marcus Ezzone James Lucas Conner Schliffka
Rakesh Baniya Michael Fellouzis Nicholas Luisi Marla Schor
Theresa Barron Ksenia Filippova Syan Lyzen Jennifer Schultz
Olyvia Bates Vyrone Finney Ezrae Macri Mary Scott
Scott Bates Andrew Flowers Colin Maddock Michael Seacrist
Micole Beachler Raluca Foore Kamille Madison Ashley Sepe
Benjamin Beckman Emmanuel Forge Teresa Maher Morgan Sharpley
Elisa Beeman Emily Franks Omar Mahmoud Andrea Sheppard
Thomas Begala Laura Fraser Lisa Mamula Katherine Sheppard
Brooke Bell Adam Friedrick Sherif Mansour Nathaniel Shoemaker
Bradley Beran Clarice Frye Dawn Marflake Robert Shoemaker
Amerigo Berardinelli Kathryn Fulk Melissa Marik Kelly Shortridge
Jerrold Berg Stacy Fussi Luke Markovich Holly Sien
Gaile Berrones Virginia Garcia David Marlette Brittany Sines
Cameron Bindus Damon Gates Jennifer Martin Brock Slish
Crystal Birkhimer Carrie Gedeon Ruth Ann Martin Charles Smith
Melissa Birmingham Stacey Geniec Tina Martin Demetra Smith
Patricia Blackburn Danielle Gerbick Tiffany Matthews Genita Smith
Merideth Blackwood Courtney Gerke Tianna Mays Jamila Smith
Harold Booker Tanya Giroux Christopher Maytas Joseph Smith
Shelly Booth Elizabeth Gleim Allison McCamon Lisa Smith
Joshua Borling Jared Godoy Haley McCarty Stacey Smith
Alair Boshela Cole Goldberg Antonio McCladdie-El Winifred Smith
Tristan Bourdess Dustin Goldstein Maureen McIlroy Meegan Smolsky
Cristy Bowen Tracy Graber Stephen McJunkins Ashleigh Snodgrass
Courtney Bownes Gabrielle Gratz John McLendon Lori Sox
Bryant Boyd Angela Greathouse Jeffrey McManamon Chelsea Soyko
Kaylin Boykins Michelle Grimes Kasey McMillan Kathryn Speigner
Marissa Bozak Logan Grootegoed Ellen McNally Ashley Spero
Mallorie Branch Delrica Grubbs Amanda McNeil Stephanie Spiess
Christy Brent Jamie Guggenheim Mercedes McRoy David Spotts
Beth Bressler Joshua Hackathorn Molly McSweeney Jeremy Stauffer
Jennifer Briscoe Zachary Hagy Michael Merk Stephen Stecura
Rachel Britt Chad Haidet Nicolene Merk Zaurice Stephens
Laden Brooks Nataliya Halaydida Addison Miller John Stepic
Johnny Brost Amy Hall L. Susan Miller Otis Stevenson
Madison Brost Joshua Hammond Michael Miller Jacqueline Stewart
Tina Brown Meranda Hampton Wendy Miller Kelsie Stites
William Broxson Mary Hankner Kathryn Mingus Monica Stith
Jessica Buca Nicole Hansen Nicole Misenko Ian Stuart
Darla Bundus Michael Harris Keith Mitchell Gail Swisher
Devon Bunting Zakiya Harris Shawna Mitchell Peter Szoke
Shawn Burton Marlea Hastings Bethany Molnar Cheryl Taylor
Cydney Butler Tara Hawkins Anthony Mong Nicole Taylor
Vince Butler Zach Hawrot Ashley Montalvo Michael Thomas
Aaron Butzer Jon Heben Lindsey Mooney Aaron Thompson
Mariia Bygar Jeremy Hehmeyer Jeanette Moore Michelle Thompson
Olivia Byington Lawrence Heidler Girlie Morales Madison Timoteo
Michelle Caggiano Lindsay Herrick Erika Moran Brittny Tobia-Heller
Erika Caillet Lakwana Hickman Erica Morelli Dawn Toland
Danielle Cain Roseann Hickman Valerie Moses Patricia Trimble
Donald Calhoun Ervin Hill Catherine Moss Virginia Troyer
Stephanie Calhoun Lisa Hirsch John Motley Chris Tsilianidis
Christopher Camino Caryn Hoang Edward Mullaly Laura Tuokkola
Lewis Camp Shawna Hodges Melissa Munnings Rachael Turkovich
Michael Cancelliere Hans Hoffman Stephanie Murphy Diana Twymon
Lucia Cannata Andrew Hoggarth Megin Murray Laura Underwood
Andrea Carrell-Smoot Norah Hoke Justin Muschweck Elizabeth Vertosick
Lindsey Cavanaugh Heather Holcomb Jenica Muscio Jennifer Vidmar
Michele Cerminaro Adam Hoppel Rachael Nagy Henrietta Violet
Angel Chaney Cassandra Horwedel Brittany Neidus Samantha VonAllman
Margaret Chapman Gina Hoyack Maziar Nejad De'Aja Wade
Brian Chase Isaiah Hribar Joelle Nichols Lori Wadlington
Jacqueline Cheatwood Von Hubbard Jessica Nixon Catherine Wahl
Crystal Christmas Daniel Hudak Lisa Norris Jacqueline Waikem
Keri Clark Glynnis Hughes Allison Novotny Darlene Walker
Madeline Clegg Breana Hurtt Sean Nowak Ann Wallace
Jaime Clutter Joseph Irvin Thomas Nunley George Wallace
Caitlin Colbeck Nicole Jackson Paul Ott Debbie Wanke
Belinda Cole Samantha Jackson Zachary Overs Ralph Ware
Patricia Cole Mark Janezic Alexander Packard Katherine Warner
Joseph Colon Melissa Jarvis Joseph Palange Amy Watkins
Kelly Conley Daniel Jendrisak Thomas Palivoda Lauren Watkins
Jessica Conrad Jason Johncock Rejeana Palma Randy Wayt
Christin Cooney Adam Johnson Helen Palmer Thomas Webb
Shawn Cordes Brittany Johnson Peter Paparizos Keith Weisman
Robert Couch Rebecca Johnson Robert Patsy Braxton Wessell
James Cowart Tyler Johnson Zarell Patton Alexandria West
Gary Crabtree Ericka Jones Darren Pearce Jacob Whetstone
Olivia Crain Monica Jones Karen Peart Jacob Whitacre
Shelley Crake Stephanie Jordan Stephanie Peeper Angela White
Richard Croasmun Kayleen Kaatz Brittany Peeples Irvin White
Amber Crockett Diana Kailini Jared Perez Jerry White
LaKesha Cunningham Jared Kammer Jacob Perkins Joyce White
Ryan Cunningham Allison Kandray Sara Peters Kristina Whitfield
Kyle Cutler Ruta Karaliene Suzanne Peters Thomas Wiggenhorn
Stefano D'Agruma Christine Kasik Jordon Peterson Zachary Wilkerson
Fred D'Amico John Kassimatis Jessica Pettner Krista Williams
Chatasha Daniels Jennifer Kayla Robert Pierce Sarah Williams
Nataliya Danylyuk Gregory Kays Dana Pinter Kishia Williamson Townsend
Meredith Davis Charlsi Kelley Greg Pinzone Kari Willis
Coleen Dawes Elizabeth Kentner Amanda Pohlman Sarah Wilson
Mason Deem Kristi Kester Ben Pohlman Trenton Winford
Brian DeLaat Angela Keto Michelle Ponchak Myesha Woolfork
Gregory Demary Narayani Khanal Thurston Pope Brittany Woosley
Stacey Dentler Paing Khant Daniel Popovich Brianna Wrench
John Dermotta Johnny Kincaid Robert Pounds Candee Wright
Emmet DeSmit Rene Kinney Rachel Price Michael Wright
Jane Devito Kathleen Kirby Mary Pryately Briana Yost
Kylie DeWees Kathryn Klonowski Steven Pyles Donald Zickefoose
Michael Deyling Angela Knight Robert Quinn Holly Zingale
Satinder Dhillon-Dougher Chelsea Kordel Timothy Radcliffe Edward Zubek
Shamus Dickinson Michael Kovack Dennis Rath
Laurynn Dillingham Mark Kropp Kelly Rauch
Brooke Dobrski Keith Kuczma Melissa Recchio